The Picarro Small Sample Introduction Module (SSIM) is designed for processing small volumes of gas samples through a Picarro analyzer.
Previously, a single sample introduction could achieve a maximum concentration of only 94% of its original concentration, due to injection volumes between 1-20 mL from bags or syringes and limitations in the SSIM design. With a minor modification of the method, we can now expand the functionality of the SSIM so that more accurate concentration measurements can be performed on both isotopic and concentration analyzers. The dilution effects inherent in the SSIM design are reduced further, meaning that sample measurements can now achieve concentration values of up to 99.4% of their original concentration with no trade-offs in isotopic precision.
We've just published an application note, Measuring Small Volume Gas Concentrations with the Small Sample Introduction Module which serves as a method guide so that accurate and precise measurement can be made.
Download the app note and learn more about the Picarro SSIM injection procedure.