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  • Latest Application Developments from Picarro: Fast Throughput and Aerosols


    Picarro is committed to supporting science with its advanced gas concentration and isotopic analyzers. In this webinar, we will present:
    - New Express and Survey Modes for isotopic Water Analyzers – highest throughput solution
    - New OC/EC solution for isotopic Carbon Analyzers – tracing Air Pollution

  • Committed to Science: Water, Soil, Air – Measurement Improvements and New Applications

    Picarro is committed to supporting science with its advanced gas concentration and isotopic analyzers. In this webinar, we will present the latest improvements to our analyzers and share how our customers are using them in their research.

  • Learn about Ethylene Oxide emissions to protect your community and reduce your workplace risk

    "Ethylene Oxide is now believed to be more harmful than previously realized and industry initiatives are underway to better characterize the risk to workers and communities. Outdoor fugitive emissions must be accurately quantified, not only at the source, such as exhaust stacks, but also at the facility fenceline and in ambient air. Indoors, the task is equally challenging when trying to characterize the air quality in places like central processing facilities, aeration and storage rooms, ventilation systems, hallways and offices. View

  • Greenhouse Gas Measurement in Harsh Environments

    In this webinar, Dr Christine O’Connell (Silver Lab, Berkeley) will discuss the application of the G2508 and Eosense eosAC chamber system to studying redox and drought conditions in a montane rainforest in Puerto Rico. Dr. Nick Nickerson (Eosense) will continue the discussion with demonstration of the use of the Picarro GasScouter in an off-grid wetland deployment with the eosAC chamber system, as well as demonstration of a portable survey-style application in a coastal barren/wetland ecosystem. Dr. Gregor Lucic (Picarro) will finish up the discussion by providing an overview of how a modular approach to CRDS technology can open doors for new and exciting datasets.

  • Hot Gases, Cool Techniques: Measuring Carbon Isotopes at Volcanoes

    Volcanoes are amazing features and a major contributor of CO2 to the atmosphere. One challenge has been to measure the carbon isotopic signature of a volcanic plume, which tells a lot about the deep processes and can potentially help forecast eruptions. This one-hour webinar will feature John Stix (Professor, McGill University) and Fiona D’Arcy (PhD student, McGill University) joined by Gregor Lucic (Application Scientist, Picarro) as they unravel the possibilities when deploying Picarro instruments in the field.