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The Picarro InvestigatorTM for Methane Research sets outside the Austria Center Vienna (ACV) as the General Assembly 2013 of the European Geosciences Union (EGU) opens on Monday, April 8.

If you're attending EGU and would like to join us for a test ride, sign-up at Booth 50. For complete details of our EGU activities and links to abstracts and posters, please go to the Coolest Customers at EGU.

Here's some oral and poster presentations you may want to see on Tuesday, April 9.

Oral Presentations

09:15 – 09:30 | Room Y8
High-resolution vertical profiles of stable water isotopes from airborne measurements in the western Mediterranean during HyMeX in October 2012
Harald Sodemann, Franziska Aemisegger, Stephan Pfahl, Ulrich Corsmeier, Andreas Wieser, Mark Bitter, Thomas Feuerle, Rudolf Hankers, Helmut Schulz, Gregor Hsiao, and Heini Wernli

09:45 – 10:00 | Room Y8

Stable isotopes of water vapor during the Strasse cruise in the sub-tropical North Atlantic; atmospheric boundary layer composition in relation to local evaporation
Benetti Marion, Reverdin Gilles, Pierre Catherine, Demange Jerome, and Risi Camille

15:30 – 16:30 | Room G4
On the determination of the carbon balance of continents (Vladimir Ivanovich Vernadsky Medal Lecture)
Albertus J. (Han) Dolman

17:30–19:00 | Yellow Posters

Greenhouse gases in the South Atlantic Ocean: recent trends and anomalies from continuous island and shipboard measurements
David Lowry, Rebecca Fisher, Mathias Lanoisellé, James France, and Euan Nisbet – Z123

Continuous water vapor isotopic composition observations in the sub-tropical North Atlantic (Bermuda)
Hans Christian Steen-Larsen, Arny E. Sveinbjörnsdottir, Martin Werner, Camille Risi, Kei Yoshimura, Andrew Peters, and Julianne Rosset – Z246

Isotopic forced-diffusion technique for soil respiration pathway studies
Nick Nickerson, Jocelyn Egan, David Risk, Gordon McArthur, Kevin Cunningham, Gloria Jacobson, Nabil Saad, and Robert Panetta – 